From our end-of-year event with Fernando Beltrán, we have all 14 of his poems on video with translations by Niall Binns and Keith Payne. All videography and hours of expertly-set subtitling by Lovisa Cosgrave.
(or via the Ó Bhéal Youtube channel).
From our end-of-year event with Fernando Beltrán, we have all 14 of his poems on video with translations by Niall Binns and Keith Payne. All videography and hours of expertly-set subtitling by Lovisa Cosgrave.
(or via the Ó Bhéal Youtube channel).
Ó Bhéal's March guests are Emily Davis Fletcher and James Harpur. Emily was recently a finalist in the Brett Elizabeth Jenkins Poetry Prize, the 2024 Breakout Prize and the Letter Review Prize in Poetry. Her work has been published in Tinderbox, Crannóg Magazine, the Irish Examiner and elsewhere. James has published nine books of poetry, including his latest, The Gospel of Gargoyle (Eblana Press, 2024). He has won various awards and prizes, including the UK National Poetry Competition, the Michael Hartnett Prize, and the Vincent Buckley Award. For more details click here >>>
Ó Bhéal’s 12th Winter Warmer (and 4th hybrid) poetry festival is now archived online and available to view via 14 videos on the FESTIVAL STAGE >>>