I’m Paul Casey, born in Cork, lived for over half my life in Zambia and South Africa, plus a few years in the UK, Japan, Canada and Switzerland. I’ve lived in different parts of Ireland too and I returned to settle in 2005. I write poetry, offer writing workshops, edit, make the occasional film and run Ó Bhéal. My background is in film, teaching and multimedia.
There’s an online interview at writing.ie and another at Diogen and online biographies at Poetry Ireland or at Salmon Poetry. My chapbook It’s Not All Bad can be downloaded here and here’s a link to one of my Cork poems, Marsh.
Here’s a radio interview podcast by Ellie Byrne for Camden Radio here.
I’ve been publishing, reading and performing at poetry events and festivals since 2003, in South Africa, Ireland, the UK, Europe and the US and have eMCeed events in Dublin and the Eastern Cape. I was commissioned by the Mandela Municipality to convene the greater Port Elizabeth poetry competition (3 languages and 4 age groups). I maintain an all-round affection for languages and poetry in all its forms, love a venue which can encompass all styles and genre and especially one with a variety of emcees. If you only barely like poetry, chances are you’ll love Ó Bhéal.