December 13th, 2024 at 6:37 pm
Posted by pc in Ópen-mic on Mondays

    Monthly Hybrid Poetry Events: Live Streamed

    What: Poetry Films, Five Word Challenge, Guest Poets & Open-Mic
                            *** Contributors take part via zoom and in-person ***

    When: 2nd Monday, Monthly @ 8.30pm (+ Poetry Films from 7pm)

    Where: Hayloft Bar (Long Valley Bar), Winthrop St, Cork (& online).

    Guest Poet & Open-Mic mp3s: Monday Event Archive

    Wordshops: Creative Writing at Ó Bhéal and Beyond …

    Ó Bhéal – a poem by Anamaría Crowe Serrano

Five Words Poetry Competition*** Clósed *** 12th Five Words Poetry Competition *** Clósed ***

Winners will be announced by 1st March >>>>>>

Guest Poet Line-up for February & March 2025
Events are posted every 2 months. Click names for biographical details


UCC Creative Writing Showcase Seven Writers & Pam Campbell – 10th February

Emily Davis Fletcher & James Harpur – 10th March

Click here for our Live Poetry StageEvents are held in the Hayloft Bar, upstairs at the Long Valley, Winthrop st,
as well as on Zoom and streamed via (more details via the links above)
Poetry Films start from 7.00pm (45mins – Not Streamed). Five Word challenge starts at 8.30pm.
Guest poets begin at around 9.20/9.30pm, Open-Mic session from 10.30pm.

 The 13th Ó Bhéal Poetry Film Competition

will open for entries on 1st May 2025.

For full details visit our Competition Page.

701 Responses to “Poetry Readings & Open-Mic Nights”

  1. 1
    pc Said: @1:50 pm 

    Open-mic night – 23rd April 2018

    A powerful reading by Anamaría Crowe Serrano on Monday had the audience hanging onto every word. Our warm thanks to Anamaría for coming down from Dubland to share her brilliant work. You can listen to Anamaría’s reading here.

    Thanks also to Shaunna Lee Lynch for her sharp timekeeping and well-humoured emceewomanship, and to all on the open-mic, Eamonn Lynskey, Julie Aldridge, Jac Shortland, Charles Clarke, Niall Herriott, Fergus Costello, Seamus Harrington, Patricia Walsh, Gillian Lourenco, Mary O’Connell, Daw Harding, Benjamin Burns, Philip Spillane, Ciarán MacArtain and Eileen Halpin.

    Nuka Gbafah won the five word challenge. Congrats Nuka!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    04/27/18; 1:50 pm
  2. 2
    pc Said: @9:52 am 

    Open-mic night – 16th April 2018

    An absolute cracker of an night despite the torrential downpour for Ó Bhéal’s 11th Anniversary event, as over fifty punters arrived to read and hear featured shortlisted competition poets Derek Sellen, Ted O’Regan and Jim Crickard plus twelve other contributors to the anthology. The winner Jill Munro and highly commended Margaret McCarthy tried their best to make it though circumstances proved too prohibitive, so their respective poems were read on the night.

    Our congratulations again to Jill and to all the shortlisted and published poets. The 6th Five Words Competition is already underway and we’re already looking forward to the gems it will bring. You can listen to the contributors to Five Words Vol XI (shortlisted poets first) reading here.

    Eighteen participated in the five word challenge, followed by fifteen contributors to the anthology. Twenty-one poets read at the open-mic for only other poets’ poetry, including Jim Crickard, Philip Spillane, Kayne Coy, Colm Scully, Jac Shortland, Benjamin Burns, Julie Aldridge, Mary O’Connell, Stanley Notte, Bernadette McCarthy, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Patricia Walsh, Megan Cronin, Charles Clarke, Rab Urquhart, Ray Hanrahan, Derek Sellen, Daw Harding, Ted O’Regan and Mags Creedon.

    Jim Crickard won the five word challenge. Congrats Jim!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    04/23/18; 9:52 am
  3. 3
    pc Said: @9:10 am 

    Open-mic night – 9th April 2018

    A fantastic reading by the inimitable Brian Turner saw a very full house of Hayloft punters and poets transfixed from beginning to end. Our very special thanks to Brian for bringing the best of what poetry is about into the house. You can listen to Brian’s reading here.

    Thanks also to Stan Notte for his superb timekeeping and helmsmanship, and to all on the open-mic, John Mee, Phil Nannery, Molly, Jac Shortland, Benjamin Burns, Bernadette McCarthy, Linda Ibbotson, Charles Clarke, Niamh Twomey, Patricia Walsh, Damien O’Shea, Conor McManus, Jenie deBie, Lwisia Daly, Bill O’Riordan, Mags Creedon, Jim Crickard, Philip Spillane, Ciarán MacArtain, Shaunna Lee Lynch, and Bernadette Gallagher.

    Jenny deBie won the five word challenge. Well done Jenny!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    04/14/18; 9:10 am
  4. 4
    pc Said: @4:47 pm 

    Open-mic night – 2nd April 2018

    A powerful bilingual reading from Kerry poet Dairena Ní Chinnéide made the bank holiday Monday an especially memorable event. Thanks to Dairena for her exquisite poems, and to all who attended. You can listen to Dairena’s reading here.

    Thanks also to Julie Field for compèring with style and fine humour, and to all on the open-mic, Darren McDonnell, Charles Clarke, Ray Hanrahan, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Patricia Walsh, Benjamin Burns, Niamh Ní Lochlainn, Caitlin O’Brien, Philip Spillane and Ali Bracken.

    Ray Hanrahan won the five word challenge! Congrats Ray!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    04/6/18; 4:47 pm
  5. 5
    pc Said: @7:42 pm 

    Open-mic night – 26th March 2018

    Three excellent readings on Monday by Salmon poets Eleanor Cummins, Eileen Sheehan and Jessie Lendennie who all came from different corners of the country to read in the Hayloft to a very appreciative audience. Our warm thanks to the poets for a superb night of quality verse. You can listen to Eleanor’s reading here, to Eileen’s reading here and to Jessie’s reading here.

    Thanks to Mary Nagle for her top class emceewomanship and to all on the open-mic, Joe Sweeney, Mary O’Connell, Maeve O’Sullivan, Shaunna Lee Lynch, John W.Sexton, Philip Spillane, Diarmuid Wolfe, Jim Crickard, Mags Creedon, Ciarán MacArtain, Ali Bracken and Ian.

    Jim Crickard won the five word challenge … again! Well done Jim!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    04/1/18; 7:42 pm
  6. 6
    pc Said: @2:46 pm 

    Open-mic night – 19th March 2018

    Our very special thanks to poet John Foggin for braving the mad weather all the snowy way from York to Cork for Ó Bhéal’s 550th event, to read his superb poetry on Monday. You can listen to John’s reading here.

    Thanks to Michelle Delea for her excellent work as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Rab Urquhart, Seamus Harrington, Philip Spillane, Joe Sweeney, Mary O’Connell, Patricia Walsh, Charles Clarke, Elisa Sabbadin, Jamie Lawton, John Tynan, Gerry Murphy, Kieran Raftery and Ciarán MacArtain.

    Jamie Lawton won the five word challenge, on his first attempt. Well done Jamie!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    03/23/18; 2:46 pm
  7. 7
    pc Said: @2:39 pm 

    Open-mic night – 12th March 2018

    Our warm thanks to guest Patrick Stack for coming down from Clare to read his fine poems on Monday. You can listen to Patrick’s reading here.

    Thanks also to Ciarán MacArtain for emceeing in fine style, and to all on the open-mic, Jim Crickard, Mary O’Connell, Izabelle Balikoeva, Julie Aldridge, Patricia Walsh, Philip Spillane, Charles Clarke, Molly Garvey, Paul O’Mahony, Kieran Raftery, Mags Creedon, Rab Urquhart, Ciarán MacArtain and Ali Bracken.

    Ali Bracken won the five word challenge. Congrats Ali!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    03/23/18; 2:39 pm
  8. 8
    pc Said: @10:59 am 

    Open-mic night – 5th March 2018

    Thanks to all who turned up post armageddon to join us for Seachtain na Gaeilge and special guest Louis Mulcahy, who gave a superb reading on Monday. Our very warm thanks to Louis, whose reading you can listen to right here.

    Thanks also to Bernadette Gallagher for doing a sterling job on her début as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Kevin Griffin, Stan Notte, Mary O’Connell, Cédric Bikond, Charles Clarke, Kieran Raftery, Patricia Walsh, Conor McManus, Aaron Lewis, Philip Spillane, Daw Harding, Rab Urquhart, Paddy Dennehy and Mags Creedon.

    Mags Creedon won this week’s five word challenge. Congrats Mags!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    03/8/18; 10:59 am
  9. 9
    pc Said: @11:31 am 

    Open-mic night – 26th February 2018

    Our warm thanks to guest poets Hazel Hogan and Alice Kinsella, who came from opposite sides of the country to wow the audience with their beautifully crafted poems. You can listen to Hazel’s reading here and to Alice’s reading here.

    Thanks to Ali Bracken who did a stellar job on his début as emcee – born to it, as they say – and to all on the open-mic, Julie Aldridge, Rishtí Mac Piarais, Niall Herriott, Seamus Harrington, Philip Spillane, Jim Crickard, Patricia Walsh, Charles Clarke, Mary O’Connell, Diarmuid Wolfe, Benjamin Burns, Aoife, Michael Ray, Shane Meehan, Siobhán Twomey, Kieran Raftery and Ciarán MacArtain.

    Nuka Gbafah won the five word challenge this week. Congratulations Nuka!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    03/2/18; 11:31 am
  10. 10
    pc Said: @12:03 pm 

    Open-mic night – 19th February 2018

    Our special thanks to guest Joel Deane, a fine poet from Melbourne and most recent winner of the Vincent Buckley Poetry prize, for reading his excellent poems on Monday to an appreciative, post-festival audience. You can listen to Joel’s reading right here.

    Thanks to Benjamin Burns for emceeing in fine style, and to all on the open-mic, Kieran Raftery, Jim Crickard, Izabelle Balikoeva, Charles Clarke, Ray Hanrahan, Philip Spillane, Julie Aldridge, Patricia Walsh, Seamus Harrington, Cédric Bikond, Mary O’Connell, Mary Nagle, Mo O’Connor, Fergus Costello, Mags Creedon, John Mee, Allanah Matthews, Niamh Twomey and Ciarán MacArtain.

    Jim Crickard won the five word challenge this week – for the umpteenth time! :o) Nice one Jim!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    02/25/18; 12:03 pm
  11. 11
    pc Said: @12:19 pm 

    Open-mic night – 12th February 2018

    Another fantastic evening in the Hayloft thanks to five contributing poets from All The Worlds Between – Fióna Bolger, Anne Tannam, Nita Mishra, Maurice Devitt and BeRn, who all read beautifully. Our warm thanks to all the guests and to the fantastic crowd, despite the torrential weather. As the rain was lashing down on Winthrop street we failed to notice an over-excited band of Irish-Indian faeries as they sped away with the guest poets’ podcast. We did however manage to save the open-mic mp3, which is beneath.

    Thanks to Rab Urquhart for his fine emceemanship, and to all on the open-mic, Arthur Durity, Colm Scully, Billy County Home, Emily Davis Fletcher, Rishtí, Alannah, Brendan Mulcahy, Niamh Twomey, Jim Crickard, Ali Bracken, Patricia Walsh, Mags Creedon, Shaunna Lee Lynch and Ciarán MacArtain.

    Ciarán MacArtain won the five word challenge this week. Congrats Ciarán!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    02/18/18; 12:19 pm
  12. 12
    pc Said: @3:21 pm 

    Open-mic night – 5th February 2018

    Our very special thanks to Leanne O’Sullivan for presenting this year’s talented class of UCC Creative Writing students who shared their latest work, to a full house and very appreciative Hayloft audience. With thanks to Alison Driscoll, Allie Vugrincic, Jasmine Throckmorton, Breda Joyce, Sally Yazwinski, John Rodgers and Nora Kirkham. You can listen to the full reading by all seven poets here.

    Thanks also to Ciarán MacArtain for emceeing with panache and to all on the open-mic, Rishtí, Annie Bloch, Julie Aldridge, Patrick Cotter, Charles Clarke, Mary O’Connell, Michelle Delea, Philip Spillane, Mags Creedon, Patricia Walsh, Ray Hanrahan, Kieran Raftery, Ana Spehar, Cédric Bikond, Rhia Gonzales, Emily Davis-Fletcher, Jim Crickard, Elisa, Michael Noonan, Edward O’Byrne and Jamie Lawton.

    Ray Hanrahan won Monday’s five word challenge. Well done Ray!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    02/11/18; 3:21 pm
  13. 13
    pc Said: @5:18 pm 

    Open-mic night – 29th January 2018

    Our very warm thanks to Paula Meehan for sharing her powerful work and her moving reading on Monday, to a full house and rivetted audience. You can listen to Paula’s reading here.

    Thanks to Rosie O’Regan for making the emcee’s job look easy, and to all who read on the bumper open-mic of 26 readers, Philip Spillane, Sarah Rafael García, Seamus Harrington, Patrick Cotter, Benjamin Burns, Julie Aldridge, Dylan Connell, Mary O’Connell, Tatiana Novak, Charles Clarke, Ericka Day, Patricia Walsh, Abby Thompson, John Tangney, Ana Spehar, Kieran Raftery, Niall Herriott, Ali Bracken, Mags Creedon, John Tynan, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Michael Noonan, Ciarán MacArtain, Trevor Conway, Jim Crickard and Bernadette Gallagher.

    Abigail Grace won Monday’s five word challenge. Congratulations Abby!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    02/4/18; 5:18 pm
  14. 14
    pc Said: @10:53 am 

    Open-mic night – 22nd January 2018

    Our very warm thanks to the five fantastic poets who contributed to Fired! – Forgotten Women on Monday: Raina J. León, Chris Murray, Nicola Moffat, Kathy D’Arcy, plus surprise guest Kate Dempsey. An absolutely superb night, jam-packed with fine poems and poets. You can listen to the complete FIRED! performance here.

    And our special thanks to début emcee Shaunna Lee Lynch who did an excellent job right throughout her baptism by fire, including a record 22 five-word challenge poems. Thanks to all who got to read on the open-mic, Jim Crickard, Linda Ibbotson, Julie Aldridge, Seamus Harrington, Philip Spillane, Dylan Connell, Alana Daly Mulligan, Michael Noonan, Tegan Stuart, Tatiana Novak, Molly Garvey, Cormac O’Sullivan and Eoin Hurley and also to the 15 poets who signed up and didn’t get to read, thanks and we look forward to hearing your poems soon!

    Rosie O’Regan won this week’s Five Word challenge. Congrats Rosie!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    01/28/18; 10:53 am
  15. 15
    pc Said: @12:00 pm 

    Open-mic night – 15th January 2018

    Our warm thanks to Doireann Ní Ghríofa for standing in for Pat Boran at the 11th hour, and for sharing a beautiful reading – including some exhilarating new work. The tech faeries were back again after a very long absence and were seen making their way down Winthrop St with Doireann’s podcast, and much too quick to catch.

    Thanks to Mary Nagle for her fine emcee work and great humour, and to all on the open-mic, Dylan Connell, Tatiana Novak, John Tangney, Maggie Breen, Nick McLachlan, Jim Crickard, Seamus Harrington, Philip Spillane, Kieran Raftery, Patricia Walsh, Mags Creedon, Rishtí MacPiarais, Michelle Delea, Benjamin Burns, Ali Bracken, Ciarán MacArtain, Eoin Hurley and Paul Casey.

    Eoin Hurley won Monday’s Five Word challenge. Congratulations Eoin!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    01/22/18; 12:00 pm
  16. 16
    pc Said: @2:52 pm 

    Open-mic night – 8th January 2018

    A powerful start to the year with rivetting performances from Julie Goo and Cormac Lally, for our First Fortnight festival event. Our warm thanks to both poets. You can listen to Cormac and Julie’s combined performance here.

    Thanks to Stanley Notte for emceeing in style & good time, and to all on the open-mic, Bernadette Gallagher, Charles Clarke, Bernadette McCarthy, Paddy Byrne, Rishtí Mac Piarais, Seamus Harrington, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Philip Spillane, Niall Hearne, Julie Aldridge, Jim Crickard, Ali Bracken, Ben Burns, Patricia Walsh, Marko Milos, Eoin Hurley, Alana Daly Mulligan, Mags Creedon, Ciarán MacArtain and John Tynan.

    Émilie Trudeau won Monday’s Five Word challenge. Well done Émilie!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    01/14/18; 2:52 pm
  17. 17
    pc Said: @3:43 pm 

    Open-mic night – 11th December 2017

    A superb end-of-year reading from Spanish poet Fernando Beltrán saw the year out in style for Ó Bhéal, in a packed Hayloft Bar. Fernando read entirely in Spanish so the audience could hear as many of his poems as possible, with translations by Niall Binns and Keith Payne projected overhead. Our very warm thanks to Fernando for coming over from Madrid to read his excellent work. You can listen to Fernando’s reading here. Videos of Fernando’s reading will appear on our youtube site over the coming weeks.

    Thanks to all on the open-mic, Cormac Porter, Julie Aldridge, Cédric Bikond, Seamus Harrington, Patricia Walsh, Mary O’Connell, Charles Clarke, Aaron Lewis, Kieran Raftery, Ray Hanrahan, Benjamin Burns, Niall Hearne, Philip Spillane, Ali Bracken, Bernadette Gallagher, Jim Crickard and Rosie O’Regan.

    Philip Spillane won this week’s Five Word Challenge. Well done Philip!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    And … a Big Thanks to Grace Piotrowski for penning this Ode to Ó Bhéal before heading back to the U.S. after her semester at UCC.

    01/3/18; 3:43 pm
  18. 18
    pc Said: @1:06 pm 

    Open-mic night – 4th December 2017

    A powerful bilingual reading on Monday, from poet Stiofán Ó Cadhla (An Rinn, Co. Waterford), had the audience rivetted to their chairs. Lyrically, rhythmically and narratively beautiful, the poems were greatly enjoyed by all – with a full house to boot. Our warm thanks to Stiofán for sharing his excellent work. You can listen to the complete reading here.

    Thanks to Michelle Delea for her sharp and good-humoured emcee skills, and to all on the open-mic, Gagotsiwe, Deirdre O’Brien, Julie Aldridge, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Charles Clarke, Jac Shortland, Patricia Walsh, Kieran Raftery, Niall Hearne, Ali Bracken, Rab Urquhart, Ciarán MacArtain, Mags Creedon and Stanley Notte.

    Patricia Walsh won this week’s Five Word Challenge. Well done Trish!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    12/10/17; 1:06 pm
  19. 19
    pc Said: @1:24 pm 

    Open-mic night – 27th November 2017

    Our very warm thanks to Jessamine O Connor, who came down from Sligo to give a beautiful reading of her poems on Monday to a surprisingly full house (considering the busy Winter Warmer weekend). Jessamine’s reading was very much enjoyed by all and you can listen to it right here.

    Thanks to Bernadette McCarthy for emceeing with fine style and good humour, and to all on the open-mic, Rishtí MacPiarais, Eoin Hurley, Ray Hanrahan, Charles Clarke, Megan Cronin, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Julie Aldridge, Patricia Walsh, Michelle Delea, Philip Spillane, Mary O’Connell, Grace Piotrowski, Kieran Raftery, Ali Bracken, Benjamin Burns, Dunny, John Tynan, Niall Hearne, Jim Crickard, Ciarán MacArtain.

    Jim Crickard won this week’s five word challenge. Well done Jim!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    12/3/17; 1:24 pm
  20. 20
    pc Said: @10:06 pm 

    Open-mic night – 20th November 2017

    Brian Kirk gave an excellent reading of his poems on Monday, to a very full and fully transfixed Hayloft bar audience, and you can listen to the reading here.

    Thanks to Michal Weber for his superb emceemanship, and to all on the open-mic, Bubba Shakespeare, Cedric Bikond Nkoma, Megan Cronin, Grace Piotrowski, Jac Shortland, Kieran Raftery, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Patricia Walsh, Niall Hearne, Charles Clarke, Mary O’Connell, John Tynan, Aaron Lewis, Rishtí Mac Piarais, Benjamin Burns, Dunny, Philip Spillane, Ali Bracken, Anton Floyd, Rab Urquhart and Ciarán MacArtain.

    Richard Pierce was this week’s Five Word Challenge winner. Nice one Rishtí!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    11/26/17; 10:06 pm
  21. 21
    pc Said: @4:14 pm 

    Open-mic night – 13th November 2017

    A superb night in the Hayloft with Theo Dorgan sharing a fine array of his poems to a full house and very appreciative audience. Our warm thanks to Theo, whose reading you can listen to right here.

    Thanks too to Benjamin Burns for his excellent emceemanship, as well as to all who read for the open mic, Molly Twomey, Jac Shortland, Patrick Cotter, Joe Sweeney, Mary O’Connell, Julie Aldridge, Rishtí Mac Piarais, Kieran Raftery, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Patricia Walsh, Grace Piotrowski, John Tynan, Charles Clarke, Ali Bracken, Constance, Jim Crickard, Bernadette Gallagher, Ciarán MacArtain, Stan Notte, Niall Hearne and Dunny.

    Mary Nagle won this week’s Five Word challenge. Well done Mary!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    11/19/17; 4:14 pm
  22. 22
    pc Said: @3:00 pm 

    Open-mic night – 6th November 2017

    Our very warm thanks to Özgecan Kesici and Panchali Mukherji for superb readings of their beautiful poems on Monday, to a packed and very appreciative Hayloft audience. You can listen to Özgecan’s reading here.

    Thanks to Ciarán MacArtain for emceeing with panache and efficiency, to all on the open-mic, Richie Pierce, Mary O’Connell, Carol-Ann Gould, Bubba Shakespeare, Charles Clarke, Megan Cronin, Niamh O’Connell, Shauna Lee Lynch, Patricia Walsh, Philip Spillane, Matias Fonte, Benjamin Burns, Jim Crickard, Grace Piotrowski, Ali Bracken, Nicola Moffat, George Harding, Julie Aldridge, Paul Curran, Ciarán MacArtain and Stan Notte.

    Congratulations to Jim Crickard for winning this week’s Five Word challenge. Nice job Jim!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    11/11/17; 3:00 pm
  23. 23
    pc Said: @6:05 pm 

    Open-mic night – 30th October 2017

    Another absolutely brilliant jazz-poetry night this year with Elaine Feeney and Quango Reinhardt delivering fantastic performances, followed by a full house of local poets eager to shallow fry their poems in jazz. Our warm thanks to Elaine for coming down from Galway and to Quango Reinhart musicians Patrick on vocals and keyboards, Iain on violin and Olly on saxophone. You can listen to Elaine’s performance with Quango Reinhardt here and to more from Quango Reinhardt here. Videos will be available on the website soon, including from the later open-mic session.

    Thanks to Julie Field for her perfectly syncopated emceeing, and to all on the open-mic, Eoin Hurley, Bernadette McCarthy, Richie Pierce, Gerry Murphy, Afric McGlinchey, Grace Piotrowski, Megan Cronin, Phillip Spillane, Ali Bracken, Mary O’Connell, Patricia Walsh, Rab Urquhart, Margaret Creedon O’Shea, Benjamin Burns, Charles Clarke, Ray Hanrahan, Jim Crickhard and Cathal Holden.

    Rab Urquhart won the five word challenge. Nice one Rab!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    11/5/17; 6:05 pm
  24. 24
    pc Said: @5:36 pm 

    Open-mic night – 23rd October 2017

    We had a packed night for poet Eamonn Lynskey on Monday with a bumper five word challenge (19) and 22 on the later open-mic. We’re very grateful to Eamonn for coming down from the big smoke to share his excellent work. You can listen to Eamonn’s reading here.

    Thanks to Mary Nagle for her fine work as compeer, and to all on the open-mic, Richie Pierce, Deirdre O’Brien, Jac Shortland, Mary O’Connell, Charles Clarke, Megan Cronin, Niamh O’Connell, Seamus Harrington, Matias Fonte, Julie Aldridge, Patricia Walsh, Kieran Raftery, Grace Piotrowski, Cédric Bikond, Ben Burns, Ken Harrison, Philip Spillane, Helen Harrison, Ali Bracken, Ciarán MacArtain, Shaunna Lee Lynch and Luc O’Rourke.

    Ali Bracken won the five word challenge. Great stuff Ali!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    10/28/17; 5:36 pm
  25. 25
    pc Said: @5:30 pm 

    Open-mic night – 16th October 2017

    Ex-Hurricane / Tropical Storm Ophelia made short work of Cork city on Monday, so to ensure everyone’s safety we stayed at home with our boardgames and candlelight. Guest Dairena Ní Chinnéide will read for us in Spring 2018.

    10/28/17; 5:30 pm
  26. 26
    pc Said: @6:04 pm 

    Open-mic night – 9th October 2017

    We have two poets to thank for their thoroughly enjoyable readings on Monday, Tamara Miles and Karen J McDonnell, bringing us from South Carolina to the Burren and a thousand other places. You can listen to Tamara’s reading here and to Karen’s reading here.

    Thanks to Stan Notte for his fine and timely emceemanship, and to all on the open-mic, Richie Pierce, Molly Twomey, Megan Cronin, Maureen Hynes, Jac Shortland, Deirdre O’Brien, Yvonne Brewer Spillane, Grace Patwonski, Melissa Stephe, Jim Crickard, Patricia Walsh, Mary Noonan, Charles Clarke, Ali Bracken, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Benjamin Burns, Philip Spillane, John Tynan, Carol-Ann Gould, Ciarán MacArtain and Bubba Shakespeare.

    Jim Crickard won the Five Word challenge. Congrats Jim!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    10/14/17; 6:04 pm
  27. 27
    pc Said: @12:42 pm 

    Open-mic night – 2nd October 2017

    A powerful display of talent in the Hayloft on Monday for the Munster Slam Championships, with superb work from Megan Cronin, Molly Twomey, Paul McNamara, Behrooz Corcoran, Ciaran MacArtain, Michelle Delea, Rab Urquhart, Mel White, Stan Notte and after a dead heat our two newly-crowned, joint Munster champs, Paul Curran and Ali Bracken. Congratulations to all and best of luck to Paul and Ali in the All-Ireland Finals this weekend.

    A hard act to follow, yet neatly and sweetly done by our seasoned guest poet Miceál Kearney who shared a generous range of his exceptional verse, much to the delight of all. You can listen to Miceál’s reading here.

    Thanks also to all on the open-mic, Stephen James Smith, Bethany Reid, Megan Cronin, Zelen, Carla Shafer, Stan Notte, Benjamin Burns, Patricia Walsh, Sue Blue, Mary O’Connell, Luc O’Rourke, Melissa Elliott, Isabel Dufford, Madeline Every, Philip Spillane, Shane Vaughan and Mags Creedon.

    As is tradition for the Munster Slam (which Ó Bhéal holds bi-ennially, alternating with Limerick), there was no five-word challenge.

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    10/7/17; 12:42 pm
  28. 28
    pc Said: @1:46 pm 

    Open-mic night – 25th September 2017

    Our warm thanks to Siobhán Campbell for her excellent reading on Monday, to a fine turnout in the Hayloft, despite the Culture Night weekend mayhem. You can listen to Siobhán’s reading here.

    Thanks to Ciarán MacArtain for his personable emceemanship, and to all on the open-mic, Julie Aldridge, Patrick Cotter, Rosie O’Regan, Mary O’Connell, Ali Bracken, Megan Cronin, Cédric Bikond, Ben Burns, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Philip Spillane, Niamh O’Donovan, Mary Walsh, Luc O’Rourke and Carol-Ann Gould.

    The Five Word Challenge was won by Grace Piotrowski. Congratulations Grace!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    09/30/17; 1:46 pm
  29. 29
    pc Said: @5:06 pm 

    Open-mic night – 22nd September 2017

    Culture Night was as wild and beautiful as could be expected, with a thoroughly brilliant night from start to finish and packed to the rafters with talent & craic as mighty as it gets in the Hayloft. A great five-word challenge with over a hundred punters inside at peak and up to 150 throughout the evening. Our thanks to poets Paul McNamara and Benjamin Burns for their electrifying performances. You can listen to Paul’s here and to Ben’s right here.

    Thanks to all on the open-mic, Afric McGlinchey, Patrick Cotter, Shaunna Lee Lynch, Dee O’Neill, Ali Bracken, Eoin O’Sullivan, Norma O’Sullivan, Megan Cronin, Mary O’Connell, Patricia Walsh, Carol-Ann Gould, Colm Scully, Niall Herriott, Marchi, Margaret Carr, Mags Creedon, Rab Urquhart, Ciarán MacArtain and the Kerry Pirates of Penzance collective.

    The Kerry Pirates of Penzance collective won the five word challenge, which you can hear at the end of the open-mic mp3.

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    09/23/17; 5:06 pm
  30. 30
    pc Said: @3:40 pm 

    Open-mic night – 18th September 2017

    Our thanks to Roger Hudson for venturing down from the Boyne to thrill the Ó Bhéal audience with his insightful verse. A full Hayloft bar for Roger and well-deserved too as you could hear a pin drop for much of his reading. You can listen to Roger’s reading here.

    Thanks to Rab Urquhart for emceeing the evening in style, and to all on the open-mic, Síle Healy Hunt, Bernadette Gallagher, Mary O’Connell, Philip Spillane, Paul Curran, Ali Bracken, Charles Clarke, Patricia Walsh, Margaret Phelan, Natalie Pollard, Ed O’Byrne and Mags Creedon.

    Ciarán MacArtain won the Five Wod Challenge. Good job Ciarán!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    09/20/17; 3:40 pm
  31. 31
    pc Said: @2:06 pm 

    Open-mic night – 11th September 2017

    We had a superb night in the Hayloft with guest poet Jane Williams, reading work from her latest collection Parts of the Main (Ginninderra, 2017) and from Days Like These (Interactive, 2013), her New and Selected. Our very warm thanks to Jane for venturing well out of her way, and after having only just arrived from Tasmania. You can listen to Jane’s reading here.

    Thanks also to Benjamin Burns for his professional touch as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Jac Shortland, Mary O’Connell, Paul Curran, Megan Cronin, Ali Bracken, Patricia Walsh, Cédric Bikond, Philip Spillane, Rab Urquhart, Daw Harding and Niall Hearne.

    Ali Bracken won this week’s Five Word challenge. Nice one Ali!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    09/17/17; 2:06 pm
  32. 32
    pc Said: @5:35 pm 

    Open-mic night – 4th September 2017

    Bhí oíche iontach againn ar fad leis ar n-aoi, file Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh oiche Dé Luain seo caite. Buíochas mór do Ailbhe as a cuid dánta álainn. Leagann roinnt filí fiú dánta Gaeilge a léamh ar an mic-oscailte. Our warm thanks to Ailbhe for her wonderful reading of poems, which you can listen to right here.

    Thanks also to all on the open-mic, Maria Blue, Rishti Mac Piarais, Dean Browne, Matthew Moynihan, Megan Cronin, Mary Nagle, Charles Clarke, Michelle Delea, Patricia Walsh, Patrick Cotter, Bernadette Gallagher, Aaron Lewis, Philip Spillane, Ali Bracken, Jac Shortland, Rab Urquhart, Mags Creedon and Mo O’Connor.

    Matthew Moynihan was this week’s Five Word challenge winner. Well done Matthew!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    09/9/17; 5:35 pm
  33. 33
    pc Said: @4:56 pm 

    Open-mic night – 28th August 2017

    Another great night in the Hayloft with poets Deirdre Grimes and John Carew. Thanks to both poets for coming down from Limerick and for their fine performances. You can listen to Deirdre’s reading here and to John’s reading here.

    Thanks to Philip Spillane for his steady hand at the helm, and to all on the open-mic, Simon Aronsohn, Linda Ibbotson, Jac Shortland, Tom Hanly, Megan Cronin, Carmen, Patricia Walsh, Mary O’Connell, Ali Bracken, Cédric Bikond, Billy Ramsell, Julie Field, Sadhbh Moriarty, Ciarán MacArtain, Rab Urquhart, Mags Creedon and Christy Parker.

    Stan Notte was the winner of the Five Word challenge. Well done Stan!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    08/30/17; 4:56 pm
  34. 34
    pc Said: @3:09 pm 

    Open-mic night – 21st August 2017

    A fantastic night in the Hayloft and full to the brim for Ó Bhéal’s Heritage Week event ‘Nature in Irish History & Culture’, with exemplary readings from guests poets Lani O’Hanlon and Grace Wells (kindly funded by The Heritage Council). Our warm thanks to both poets for driving from Waterford and Kilkenny respectively to read. You can listen to Lani’s reading here and to Grace’s here.

    Thanks also to all on the open-mic, John Mee, Síle Ní Fhioch, Paul Atkins, Eamon Prendergast, Billy Ramsell, Niall Herriott, Ali Bracken, Patrick Cotter, Patricia Walsh, Philip Spillane, Sven Hirsbrunner, Alexis Bannerman, Mary O’Connell, Gráinne O’Connor, Niamh O’Donovan, Rosaleen Crowley, Cédric Bikond, Mags Creedon and Rab Urquhart.

    Niall Herriott won this week’s Five Word Challenge. Nice job Niall!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    08/23/17; 3:09 pm
  35. 35
    pc Said: @2:42 pm 

    Open-mic night – 14th August 2017

    Another superb night in the Hayloft, by all accounts, with thanks to Dublin poet Phil Lynch for coming down to entertain the crowd from start to finish. You can listen to Phil’s reading here.

    Thanks to Ciarán MacArtain for setting things up and to Michal Weber for keeping things cool & steady at the helm, and to all on the open-mic, Stanley Notte, Jac Shortland, Benjamin Burns, Luc O’Rourke, Mary O’Connell, Cédric Bikond, Rosalin Blue, Patrick Naughton, Kieran Raftery, Philip Spillane, Charles Clarke, Patricia Walsh, Gabriela Caldeira, Mags Creedon and The Choke Collective.

    This week’s Five Word Challenge winner was Bernadette McCarthy. Congrats Bernadette!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    08/23/17; 2:42 pm
  36. 36
    pc Said: @7:24 pm 

    Open-mic night – 7th August 2017

    The Ó Bhéal audience was treated to a very special event for the bank holiday Monday with thanks to Colmcille and Foras na Gaeilge, featuring two of Scotland’s finest poets, Gerda Stevenson and Aonghas MacNeacail. Our very warm thanks to both for travelling such a distance and for their magnificent readings. You can listen to Gerda’s reading here and to Aonghas’s reading here.

    Thanks to Michelle Delea for her excellent emceewomanship, and to all on the open-mic, J J O’Sullivan, Mick Noonan, Jac Shortland, Carol Ann O’Dwyer, Charles Clarke, Ali Bracken, Patricia Walsh, Edward O’Dwyer, Mary O’Connell, Luc O’Rourke, Philip Spillane, Ciarán MacArtain, Mel White and Bernadette Gallagher.

    Deirdre O’Brien won this week’s Five Word challenge. Congrats Deirdre!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    08/9/17; 7:24 pm
  37. 37
    pc Said: @5:55 pm 

    Open-mic night – 31st July 2017

    Our warm thanks to Mary O’Malley for coming down from Galway to give a fantastic reading of her work on Monday, very well received by a very full Hayloft bar. You can listen to Mary’s reading here.

    Thanks also to Bernadette McCarthy for steering the proceedings with a light but firm hand, and to all on the open-mic, Stanley Notte, Jac Shortland, Mary O’Connell, Luc O’Rourke, Paul Atkins, Joe Sweeney, Patricia Walsh, Charles Clarke, Aaron Lewis, Martin Purcell, Benjamin Burns, Ali Bracken, Eamonn Prendergast, Pat Cotter, Ciarán MacArtain and Rab Urquhart.

    Ciarán MacArtain won this week’s Five Word Challenge. Nice job Ciarán!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    08/3/17; 5:55 pm
  38. 38
    pc Said: @5:43 pm 

    Open-mic night – 24th July 2017

    A full house and phenomenal night with top class readings from Coventrians Andrea Mbarushimana and Russ Berry. Thanks to both poets for making it an event to remember. Dep Lord Mayor Cllr. Keiran McCarthy’s introduction (with his original poetry) is here and you can listen to Andrea and Russ reading here.

    Thanks to Rab Urquhart for his superb work as emcee, and to everyone on the open-mic, Linda Ibbotson, Gráinne O’Connor, Megan Cronin, Jac Shortland, Matthew Moynihan, Cliff Wedgebury, Benjamin Burns, Philip Spillane, Erin McNiven, Charles Clarke, Mary O’Connell, Patricia Walsh, Allanah Matthews, John Baylis Post, Ali Bracken, The Cathal, Alexis Bannerman, Niall Herriott, Gearoid Matthews, Mags Creedon and Stanley Notte.

    Mags Creedon won this week’s Five Word Challenge. Congrats Mags!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    07/28/17; 5:43 pm
  39. 39
    pc Said: @3:26 pm 

    Open-mic night – 17th July 2017

    A scintillating trilingual reading from Celia de Fréine set a high bar for the open-mic. Our best to Celia and warmest thanks for coming down to the real capital :) You can listen to Celia’s reading here.

    Míle buíochas do Julie Field (for her superb work as bean-an-tí), and to all on the open-mic, Maria Wojdylo for her innovative multimedia poetry presentation, Ali Bracken, Ger Dorgan, Joe Sweeney, Rab Urquhart, Cédric Bikond, Benjamin Burns, Charles Clarke, Patricia Walsh, Megan Cronan, Kieran Raftery, Philip Spillane, Eric Kavanagh and Ciarán & Roisín MacArtain.

    James Kelly won this week’s five word challenge. Well done James!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    07/18/17; 3:26 pm
  40. 40
    pc Said: @9:22 am 

    Open-mic night – 10th July 2017

    A quality-packed evening from start to finish on Monday, with seventy in the house to witness two outstanding readings from Vermont-based poets, Didi Jackson and Major Jackson. You can listen to Didi’s reading here and to Major’s reading here.

    Thanks to Benjamin Burns for his deft emceemanship, and to all on the open-mic, Maria Gillen, Ali Bracken, Cliff Wedgbury, Sue Cosgrave, Eugene Crowley, Patrick Cotter, Shane Collins, James O’Loughlin, Michelle Delea, Alexis Bannerman, Jackie Shortland, Cara Kirsh, Charles Clarke, Philip Spillane, Ciarán MacArtain, Cathal Holden, Allanah Matthews and Dave Ford.

    Dave Ford won this week’s Five Word Challenge. Well done Dave!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    07/11/17; 9:22 am
  41. 41
    pc Said: @7:52 pm 

    Open-mic night – 3rd July 2017

    Maria McManus gave a superb reading on Monday, after taking the long route down from Belfast to delight us with her stunning poems. Thanks Maria! You can listen to Maria’s reading here.

    Thanks also to maestro Sue Cosgrave for guiding the evening along in fine style, and to all on the open-mic, Ali Bracken, Seamus Harrington, Eoin Ó Crua Slaoich, Alexis Bannerman, Philip Spillane, Patricia Walsh, Charles Clarke, Mags Creedon, Jac Shortland, Cédric Bikond, Sue Blue and Rab Urquhart.

    Mags Creedon O’Shea won the Five Word Challenge this week. Great work Mags!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    07/4/17; 7:52 pm
  42. 42
    pc Said: @6:31 pm 

    Open-mic night – 26th June 2017

    Our very warm thanks to Linda Ibbotson and Sarah Byrne, two Cork-based poets making big waves with their wonderful words. You can listen to Linda’s reading here and to Sarah’s right here.

    Big Up to Stanley Notte for setting up the night and to Ciarán MacArtain for doin’ the emceebiz, and to all on the open-mic, Michal Weber, Alexis Bannerman, Marcel Kroener, Benjamin Burns, Bernadette Gallagher, Jane Ryder, Eamonn Prendergast, Patricia Walsh, Michael Ray, Philip Spillane, Cédric Bikond, Mags Creedon and Charles Clarke.

    Niamh Bagnell won Monday’s five word poetry challenge. Well done Niamh!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    07/4/17; 6:31 pm
  43. 43
    pc Said: @6:17 pm 

    Open-mic night – 19th June 2017

    Another fantastic night in the Hayloft for solstice week, with a fine turnout, especially considering the tropical weather. Our special thanks to poet Jo Slade for coming down from Limerick to delight the Hayloft audience with a superb reading of her work. You can listen to Jo’s reading here.

    Thanks also to everyone on the open-mic, Ali Bracken, Marcel Kroener, Edward O’Dwyer, Bernadette Gallagher, Joe Sweeney, Patrick Cotter, Patricia Walsh, Niamh O’Donovan, Alexis Bannerman, Claire O’Driscoll, Eric Kavanagh, Mary O’Connell, Teresa Honan and Ciarán MacArtain.

    Bernadette Gallagher won this week’s Five Word Challenge. Congrats Bernadette!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    06/21/17; 6:17 pm
  44. 44
    pc Said: @5:00 pm 

    Open-mic night – 12th June 2017

    An excellent night of poetry in the Hayloft with London poet Matthew Caley reading from his latest collection, Rake (Bloodaxe, 2016). A warm Cork thanks to Matthew for flying over with his fantastic poems. You can listen to Matthew’s reading here.

    Thanks to Stan Notte for his well-humoured & light touch as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Ali Bracken, Eamonn Prendergast, Cédric Bikond, Michal ‘Jawharp’ Weber, Patrick Cotter, Matthew Moynihan, Michael Ray, Seamus Harrington, Patricia Walsh, Charles Clarke, Afric McGlinchey, Philip Spillane, Benjamin Burns, John Baylis-Post, Marcel Kroener, Mags Creedon, Niall Herriott, Jo Johnston and John McNally.

    Matthew Moynihan won this week’s five word challenge. Great job!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    06/13/17; 5:00 pm
  45. 45
    pc Said: @9:41 am 

    Open-mic night – 5th June 2017

    A fantastic summernight’s poetry from two exciting new voices in Irish poetry and both published by Doire Press, Stephanie Conn and Simon Lewis. Thank you to both poets for venturing south to charm the Ó Bhéal audience to no end with their beautiful work. A fine bank holiday turnout and very welcome surprise seeing the venue space increase its capacity by at least a dozen. You can listen to Stephanie’s reading here and to Simon’s reading here.

    Thanks to Michal Weber for his as-always top class job as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Alexis Bannerman, Ali Bracken, Charles Clarke, Bernadette Gallagher, Jemma Judd, Marcel Kroener, Patricia Walsh, Mary O’Connell, Eamonn Prendergast, Gerry Murphy, Dean Browne, Philip Spillane, Rab Urquhart (with Michal on Jaw Harp), Ciarán MacArtain, Rosie O’Regan and ending up with Michal reading Wisława Szymborska.

    Niamh O’Donovan won this week’s five word challenge, for the second week in a row. Nice one Niamh!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    06/6/17; 9:41 am
  46. 46
    pc Said: @11:50 am 

    Open-mic night – 29th May 2017

    A fantastic night of poetry in the new and improved Hayloft Bar, the added capacity a welcome treat. Our special thanks to poet Sarah J. Sloat for making her way over from Frankfurt to read her delightful poems, which were also followed by Marie Craven’s winning poetry-film inspired by Sarah’s poem, Dictionary Illustrations. You can listen to Sarah’s reading here.

    Big thanks to master-emcee Ciarán MacArtain for his steady touch, and to all on the open-mic, Alexis Bannerman, Michal Weber, Maggie Smith, Marcel Kroener, Brian Crotty, Patricia Walsh, Cédric Bikond, Jacqueline, Mags Creedon, Paul Curley, Rab Urquhart and Kieran Raffertry.

    Niamh O’Donovan won this week’s five word challenge. Well done Niamh!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    05/30/17; 11:50 am
  47. 47
    pc Said: @9:48 am 

    Open-mic night – 22nd May 2017

    Mary Madec’s brilliant reading on Monday was thoroughly enjoyed by a very full Hayloft audience. Our warm thanks to Mary for venturing rebelways for her second Ó Bhéal reading, and for sharing her delightful work. You can listen to the full reading here.

    Thanks also to Michelle Delea for her light touch as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Cathi Weldon, Marcel Kroener, Mary O’Connell, Emer Fallon, Benjamin Burns, Eric Kavanagh, Philip Spillane, Bernadette Gallagher, Patricia Walsh, Zen Chabang, Cédric Bikond, Cara Kursh, Adam Drake, Ciarán MacArtain, Mags Creedon, Kieran Raftery, Ty Power and Michelle Delea.

    Adam Drake won the five word challenge on his first attempt. Congratulations Adam!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    05/28/17; 9:48 am
  48. 48
    pc Said: @12:41 pm 

    Open-mic night – 15th May 2017

    Our thanks to guest Diarmuid Fitzgerald for his superb reading on Monday, mostly of haiku, tanka and lyric poems written while walking along various nature trails, including the Thames Way and the Camino de Santiago. You can listen to Diarmuid’s reading here.

    Our thanks to Philip Spillane for making a fine effort of his debut evening as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Joe Neal, Cedric Bikond, Jessica Monk, Patricia Walsh, Teresa Honan, Mary O’Connell, Nicola Moffat, Mary Nagle, Mags Creedon, Charles Clarke, Ciarán MacArtain, Ed O’Byrne and Michelle Delea.

    Emer Hayes won this week’s five word challenge. Congrats Emer!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    05/21/17; 12:41 pm
  49. 49
    pc Said: @10:55 am 

    Open-mic night – 8th May 2017

    A rivetting reading by the wonderful Shara McCallum had a packed Ó Bhéal crowd turn quiet as a dead poet’s society on Monday. Our warm thanks to Shara for making the wide detour possible during the European reading tour for her fifth poetry collection Madwoman. You can listen to Shara’s reading here.

    Thanks to Rosie O’Regan for steering the night with care and humour, and to all on the open-mic, Sandra McShane, Marcel Kroener, Mary O’Connell, Charles Clarke, Teresa Honan, Alexis Bannerman, Patricia Walsh, Billy Ramsell, Eric Kavanagh, Ben Burns, Niall Hearne, Mary Nagle, Ciarán MacArtain, Aaron Lewis, Nicola Moffat, Cara Kursh, Emer Penny, Rab Urquhart and Stanley Notte.

    Rab Urquhart won the Five Word Challenge. Congrats Rab!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    05/14/17; 10:55 am
  50. 50
    pc Said: @11:13 am 

    Open-mic night – 1st May 2017

    Our very warm thanks to Dublin poet John Murphy for his superb reading on Monday, and an extra special thanks to John for the six-hour, same-night round trip which he made so that we could hear him read. You can listen to John’s reading here.

    Thanks to Benjamin Burns for his deft and eloquent work as emcee, and to all on the open-mic, Cédric Bikond, Bernadette Gallagher, Marcel Kroener, Calm D’Goolys, Philip Spillane, Mel White, Rab Urquhart, Patricia Walsh, Ciarán MacArtain and Ben Burns.

    Joe Sweeney won Monday’s Five Word challenge. Well done Joe!

    The open-mic mp3 is here.

    05/7/17; 11:13 am

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