Poetry and related Workshops
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Afric McGlinchey Creative Writing and Poetry Courses – Online
Munster Literature Centre Writing Workshops – Cork
Creative Writing Ink Weekend and Online Workshops – Cork
Virgin Slate Creative Writing ezine and fortnightly discussions – Cork
Anam Cara Retreat Writing Retreat and Workshops – Beara Cork
The Creative Writer’s Workshop Creative Writing Courses -Kinvara Co. Galway
The Irish Writers’ Centre Writing Courses -Dublin
The Big Smoke Writing Factory Writing Courses -Dublin
Afric offers online creative writing and poetry courses, editing and mentoring services to beginners, intermediate and advanced writers. The courses are ongoing, and the rates are competitive.
For more info visit www.africmcglinchey.com
… hosts a variety of writing workshops throughout the year at The Frank O’Connor House in Douglas St, Cork.
For more info visit http://www.munsterlit.ie/Workshops.html
… are Cork-based, and offer a wide range of Online Workshops as well as Weekend Workshops in Cork city with Leanne O’Sullivan (Poetry), Adam Wyeth (Beginners Creative Writing), Niamh Griffin (How to Blog), Ivy Bannister (Memoir Writing), Oisin McGann (Writing for Children) and others.
To find out more visit: www.creativewriting.ie
Virgin Slate is a small group of amateur creative writers based in Cork. We started in October 2011 and meet about once a fortnight. There are no fees or anything; we’re just in it for the fun.
Every two weeks the group meets (in a city centre pub) to discuss the various submissions and decides upon a theme for the following fortnight. We ‘publish’ our work in an ezine on Facebook. Each of our issues begins with a theme (a word or a phrase). We then have two weeks to submit a piece of writing on that theme. The writing can use any form and take the theme in any direction the author wishes.
New members are welcome to either join us in the pub or to submit entries by email or post.
Email us at: virginslate@gmail.com
Or follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/VirginSlate
Or our for list of back issues visit: tensepretence.com
… provide a series of workshops throughout the year at Eyeries, Beara, Co. Cork.
For more info visit http://www.anamcararetreat.com/workshops.html
We have developed a series of online creative writing and Poetry courses, where you can improve your writing skills through one-to-one exercises, lectures and critique.
… organises writing retreats, creative writing workshops and classes
For more info visit http://www.thecreativewritersworkshop.com/
… features a variety of writing courses and workshops throughout the year at 19 Parnell Square in Dublin 1.
For more info visit http://irishwriterscentre.ie/collections/all-courses
… offers a range of writing courses at Dollard House Wellington Quay Dublin 2.
For more info visit http://bigsmokewritingfactory.com/writing-classes/